Tunisian meals is one of the finest types of meals that prefers a lot of people are addressed, preferably by many meals from the Tunisian cuisine, which is characterized by great diversity in terms of content and different ways of cooking, which yields ultimately delicious taste and favored by a lot of people is the most important meals that many people prefer to be addressed are Fricassee, and this meal is prepared using a variety of ways so we chose the simple ways for you to get a taste tasty.
The dough:
750 g Rough grinding.
1 egg.
Milk Cup lukewarm.
1 bag instant yeast.
Salt, to taste.
1/4 cup olive oil.
Lukewarm water for kneading.
The stuffing:
Poached eggs.
Boiled potatoes and diced.
Olive sliced.
(You can add any other ingredients as desired)
Mix with salt Alfrenh
Pour the oil and pulp well
Mix the egg with the lukewarm milk and instant yeast, then pour the mixture on the above ingredients .
Then a paste with the addition of some lukewarm water until a cohesive dough is obtained and a little soft
(Do not for a long time)
Placed in a tray sprinkled , cover with and leave the brewing
After fermentation the dough, take it and dividing them into small balls the size of a orange
Let it rest for 15 minutes and then fried dough balls in hot oil is obtained to the color red
Leave Fricassee to be cooled, and then opened it and stuffed (Put the puree first) .
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